Welcome to our Young Adults! Great news- We have a live, online worship experience designed just for you. Join us Sunday morning at 11:15 via Zoom. Email us at [email protected] to get connected.
Parents- This week we encourage you to:
- Help your Young Adult connect with us LIVE, Sunday at 11:15.
- Use the discussion questions and GodTime pages, below, to continue the conversation at home throughout the week.
Life App: Hope—Believing that something good can come out of something bad
Bible Story: That’s What Fronds Are For (Palm Sunday) • John 12:9-16 (supporting: Matthew 21:1-11)
Key Question: What are you hoping for?
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember God is still working.
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can trust God to guide me.
Memory Verse: In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world. John 16:33b (NIrV)
Ask the following questions and lead the group to discuss:
- What are some hard situations you or other kids your age have gone through?
- What does it feel like when you’re facing a tough situation and you can’t see or understand what God is doing in it?
- What does it look like for a kid your age to trust God when going through a problem that feels hopeless?
- Why does it give us hope to know that God is ALWAYS working out God’s plans and will NEVER stop?
- Family Communion Guide
For kids
Modified Curriculum
We encourage you to take some time to pray together as a family.