If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to getting chapter after chapter of long, drawn out lists of rules that don’t make any sense and details about something called a Tabernacle. What does this have to do with us? Why did God feel the need to put this in the Bible? Does it even matter? By answering these questions, we will also model for students and give them the tools needed to learn what to do with difficult parts of the Bible and how to realize that it is all useful in shaping us to become the people that God wants us to be.
Week 4: May 15 + 18
- Main Point: Exodus teaches us that God cares about all the little details of our lives.
- Main Scripture: Exodus 25:8-9; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
- Cross Connection: After Jesus’ death and resurrection He sent us the Holy Spirit to live inside of us so now WE are the Temple of God. The only way that we can receive the Holy Spirit is by accepting Jesus’ free gift of salvation.
- HSM Book of Exodus – SGL GUIDE Wk 4
- HSM Create Your Own Reading Plan + HSM Exodus Reading Plan (do one together as a family!)