Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.
- Online Experience Video for you and your student to watch together
- Discussion Questions for you & your student
- Pre-Teen Guide for your student to go a little deeper on his/her own
- Salvation Conversation Guide for one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have
We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in the know” with each other. Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/
Got a question? E-mail us at [email protected]
Online Experience Video
Trouble getting the video to load? Try this link – CLICK HERE
For parents
Special Needs Ministry Modified Elementary Curriculum:
You can access the full modified curriculum here.
Life App: Hope—Believing that something good can come out of something bad
Bible Story: Go the Distance (Peter and John Are Taken to the Sanhedrin) • Acts 3:1–4:21
Key Question: When have you decided to keep going?
Bottom Line: Keep going even when it gets tough.
Basic Truth: I am made for a purpose so the Holy Spirit will help me do big things now
Memory Verse: But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak. Isaiah 40:31 (NIrV)
Ask the following questions and lead the group to discuss:
- What does it look like to be resilient when a friend isn’t treating you kindly? What about when you’re not getting along with a parent? Or when you’re struggling with learning something at school?
- What can you do if you aren’t sure what it means to be resilient in a certain situation?
- Do you think when you decide to keep going when it is tough, it helps you bounce back when something gets you down again? Why or why not?
For students
The Pre-Teen Learner Guide is designed to provide Bible Study throughout the week for your 4th or 5th grader.
Sermon Notes discussion guide (for students who watch the adult service, too!)