Welcome to our Young Adults! Great news- We  have a live, online worship experience designed just for you. Join us Sunday morning at 11:15 via Zoom. Email us at [email protected] to get connected.

Parents- This week we encourage you to: 

    1. Help your Young Adult connect with us LIVE, Sunday at 11:15.
    2. Use the discussion questions and GodTime pages, below, to continue the conversation at home throughout the week.


Summer Theme: Make Waves – What you do today can change the world around you 

Bible Story: Let It Go (Patience Principle) • Proverbs 15:18

Key Question: What can you do when you’re feeling impatient? 

Bottom Line: Be patient with each other. 

Basic Truth: I am made for a purpose so the Holy Spirit will help me do big things now 

Memory Verse: The fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. Galatians 5:22-23a (NIrV) 

Askthe following questions and lead the group to discuss:    

  • What are some situations where you tend to lose your patience? 
  • Do you have particular people in your life with whom it is extra difficult to have patience? 
  • Why is it so important to be patient with each other? 
  • What are some ways that you can help yourself calm down when you are getting impatient or upset? 
  • When we choose to be patient, what does that tell other people about God? 

Family Communion Guide


For kids

Modified Curriculum



We encourage you to take some time to pray together as a family.