MSM Small Group Teaching Series March 21-April 5, 2020

What We’re Learning: Gospel of Matthew
After HUNDREDS of years of silence, God speaks through the writing of the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus decides to come down and show us what it means to truly live a life that not only prioritizes God, but shows us what it means to place Him at the center of everything. Through reading the Gospel of Matthew we learn:

  • Jesus wants more than the bare-minimum; He raises the bar in the Sermon on the Mount.
  • Jesus expands what ‘family’ means to include our faith family as well.
  • Discipleship is not a one-time YES to Jesus, it’s a lifelong journey.

Starting A Conversation:
Read the Sermon on the Mount together & discuss. 

  1. What is one thing you think is really cool in Jesus’ sermon and why?
  2. What doesn’t make sense to you?
  3. What’s one thing we can change in our lives to start living out some of Jesus’ advice from this sermon?

Bonus Activity:
If your student wasn’t able to do or finish the Gospel of Matthew 21 Day Reading Plan from our previous series, why don’t you take 10 minutes a day to do it together?