Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience!  Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.

  • Online Experience Video for you and your student to watch together
  • Discussion Questions for you & your student
  • Pre-Teen Guide for your student to go a little deeper on his/her own
  • Salvation Conversation Guide for one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have

We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in the know” with each other. Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/

Got a question? E-mail us at kidcity@gethope.net

Online Experience Video

Access this week’s video – CLICK HERE*

*The new video for the upcoming week will be loaded by Wednesday of each week.

For parents

Special Needs Ministry Modified Elementary Curriculum:


Monthly Virtue: Forgiveness—deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay 

Memory Verse: Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV) 

Week 1: March 5

Bible Story: Everybody Hurts (A Woman Anoints Jesus’ Feet) • Luke 7:36-50

Key Question: What does it feel like to be forgiven? 

Bottom Line: Everyone needs forgiveness. 

Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can belong in God’s family forever. 

Askthe following questions and lead the group to discuss:    

  • Do you find it hard to forgive someone when they have done something wrong toward you? Why or why not? 
  • How does it make you feel when you have chosen to forgive someone else? 
  • What does it feel like when you’ve done something wrong, and you know you need forgiveness?  
  • What does it feel like to be forgiven? 
  • Why does everyone need forgiveness? 

Week 2: March 12

Bible Story: Life Changes (Zacchaeus) • Luke 19:1-10

Key Question: When has someone forgiven you? 

Bottom Line: When you forgive others, it can change them. 

Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can love God, love others, and love life. 

Askthe following questions and lead the group to discuss:    

  • When has someone forgiven you? 
  • Has anyone ever asked for your forgiveness? How did you respond? 
  • How can forgiveness change someone? 
  • Do you ever spend time asking God for forgiveness? Why or why not? 
  • Do you think it’s more difficult to be on the receiving end of forgiveness or the giving end? 

Week 3: March 19

Bible Story: Mercy, Mercy Me (The Story of the Unmerciful Servant) • Matthew 18:21-35

Key Question: What keeps you from forgiving? 

Bottom Line: Forgive others because God forgives you. 

Basic Truth: I am made for a purpose so the Holy Spirit will help me do big things now. 

Askthe following questions and lead the group to discuss:    

    • What keeps you from forgiving? When is it difficult to forgive? 
    • When there’s someone you need to forgive, but you’re not willing to forgive them, how does that affect you? 
    • What do you do if you’ve forgiven someone for the same thing multiple times? (This could be a sensitive question for some kids. Be mindful of those who may be experiencing difficult situations with tough friends or even family members. Remind kids that God wants the best for them, so forgiveness does not mean they continue to allow someone to hurt their feelings or treat them poorly.

Week 4: March 26

Bible Story: Homecoming (The Story of the Lost Son) • Luke 15:11-32

Key Question: When is it hard to ask for forgiveness? 

Bottom Line: God will always forgive you. 

Basic Truth: I am made for a purpose so the Holy Spirit will help me do big things now. 

Askthe following questions and lead the group to discuss:    

  • Are there some people in your life who are easier to always forgive than others? 
  • Do you ever feel like you don’t deserve to be forgiven? If so, why? 
  • When is it hard to ask for forgiveness? 
  • Why does God always forgive us? 

Salvation Conversation Guide

Family Communion Guide

Parent Cue- Pre-teen

For students

Pre-teen Devotional

The Pre-Teen Learner Guide is designed to provide Bible Study throughout the week for your 4th or 5th grader.

Sermon Notes discussion guide (for students who watch the adult service, too!)

KidCity Worship Songs