Fun fact about me. I hate New Year’s. If my kids were reading this, they would tell me, “We don’t say the word ‘hate’, Mom.” But since they aren’t perusing parenting blogs these days, I think I’m good. Besides, I really do hate New Year’s. These feelings go beyond the overly hyped up…

Splink 1: Get the Rules Out Grab a couple of small balls and two spoons. Announce to the family that you are going to play a game. Then say, “Start.” (When they don’t do anything, ask, “What’s wrong?”) Tell them it’s time to play the game, so start! If they do come up…

There’s no better way to start off a new year than a Year in Review list. The best of the best all at once! Here are our top 5 posts on Parent Cue in 2016 – 1. THE SIMPLEST WAY TO TEACH YOUR KIDS SELF CONTROL We define self-control as: “Choosing to do what…

One of the hardest parts about growing up in a Christian home is dealing with doubt. My doubts about faith came early in my teens, and I can recall feeling like there must be something wrong with me. Having taken classes, watched my parents and grandparents harness their faith in trying times, and…

“But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Ephesians 4:7 I want a lot for my kids. I want them to be happy and successful. I want them to follow their passions, make a difference, and experience peace. But more than anything I want my…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Reuters. Teen girls who get along with their mothers may be less likely to have sex earlier in adolescence, a Dutch study suggests. Researchers examined survey data for 2,931 boys and girls who were asked about their sex lives as well as…

Choosing Joy at Christmas Christmas can feel complicated. We can feel lots of emotions at once: harried with many things to do, spread thin inside a calendar filled with parties and people you may or may not actually want to see, longing for—or freedom from—Christmases past, with a ribbon of delight and a…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Students who take practice tests before the real test — a strategy known as retrieval practice — tend to achieve higher scores, even under high-stakes pressure, according to a new study by researchers at Tufts University. The findings suggest that the practice tests protect…

Around this time of year, I often reflect upon my first job as a school counselor. Helping students navigate the complex journey of adolescence left very few dull moments. One student on my caseload that often comes to mind was Eve. Eve was extraordinary with an exuberant personality and brilliant mind. As a teenager, she…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Business Insider. When it comes to maintaining friendships, teens don’t text. Snapchat is the most popular platform among teenagers. It’s a place to post pictures and videos, but teens mainly use it as a communication tool. One of the ways that Snapchat keeps its users engaged is…