APRIL 7, 2020 By Walt Mueller Is this happening to anyone else? . . Last night I came in the house from being outside. Cool evening air. Sun going down. Full moon out. Birds saying goodnight. Stars in the sky. Campfire in the backyard. As I looked up in the sky I didn’t see the blinking…

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the changes in the world? How will you ever raise your kids to love God in this culture? Cell phones, social media, music, and so many things can make the most confident parents unsettled. You’re already time-starved and can barely keep the laundry done and dinner on the…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. New research from the University of California, Davis, suggests that parents should delay introducing their children to any screen media, as well as limit preschool-age children’s use of mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The research was published in the Journal of the American…

By Walt Mueller Editor’s Note: This blog post is also the lead article in our April 2020 CPYU Parent Page. In an effort to serve you well during the Coronavirus, we are waiving our normal subscription fees. You can download a free copy of the April 2020 CPYU Parent Page here. Feel free to distribute hard and/or…

Join the Parade What do you think it would have been like to see Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey with people shouting praises to Him? Plan your own parade to celebrate the coming of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Sunday, April 5th). Throw some stuffed animals in a wagon and march in…

As caregivers, self care isn’t optional. We have to take care of ourselves so we can care for those who depend on us! Especially during the COVID 19 pandemic. Self-care can sometime get a bad reputation. People think of bubble baths, sleeping in, and other luxuries that aren’t a reality for special-needs parents like us. But…

Leaders in the church who educate children about God are vital to families. Each week, these Sunday school teachers, children’s pastors, or youth ministers pour into the lives of children who aren’t theirs. They present the gospel in ways that captivate children and help make the word of God meaningful. Scripture memorization, prayer life, and…

Disorientation I don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself feeling unmoored and disoriented the past few weeks during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of us have been living on shifting sands, our normal routines disrupted; those things we take for granted—freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, and freedom from fear of an invisible enemy—all swept…

Hey, good morning (or whatever time it is in your corner of the world.) Maybe you are not like me. Since I was a child I have been very familiar with “time out.” Actually, that is not quite accurate because when I was a child, my parents did not know that phrase existed. Nonetheless, here…

  Mom, where do babies come from? No question puts fear into the hearts of parents quite like this one. Except maybe… …Mom, what is cancer? …Dad, are you going to die? …Why is Aunt Sarah sick? …Why are you getting divorced? And so on. Geez! Just when you think you only have to study…

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