Trending Today on Twitter – 9/13/19 1. Friday the 13th 2. Rihanna 3. #BoycottABC 4. #FridayFeeling 5. Minkah 6. #FridayMotivation 7. #FridayThoughts 8. #FridayVibes 9. Riri 10. Briscoe Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 9/13/19 1. Borderlands 3 2. Harvest Moon 3. Felicity Huffman 4. Minkah Fitzpatrick 5. Brooke Richardson 6. Thursday Night Football…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on StudyFinds. In contrast to every movie or television show you’ve ever seen about teenagers in high school, a new study has found that teens who don’t date are happier, less depressed, and more adept at dealing with a variety of social situations. It’s generally believed…

Important Steps Use string, tape, or some other way to mark a starting line and a finish line about 10 feet apart.  Instruct family members to line up at the starting line and follow instructions as they are read. Suggested instructions: Take one step forward if you have been kind today. Take one step forward…

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to Ruth from the Bible. I’ve been thinking about what qualities I admire so much about her. And I think it is that despite the hard, unexpected circumstances that happened in her life, she determined to put one foot in front of the other…

Spinning plates for all of us on the special needs journey is a “norm.” We know we can do it: spin a lot of plates all at one time, keeping them going, running from plate to plate and not letting any of them fall—because we have to. For many of us, it’s an instant reflex…

Trending Today on Twitter – 9/6/19 1. #FridayFeeling 2. #FridayMotivation 3. #FridayThoughts 4. Post Malone 5. Cape Hatteras 6. #RedFriday 7. #NationalReadABookDay 8. Howard Schultz 9. Mugabe 10. David Brooks Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 9/6/19 1. Robert Mugabe 2. Demi Lovato 3. Facebook dating app 4. NFL 5. Kylie Rae Harris 6….

Who Am I? Write the names of people (fictional or not) on individual slips of paper. Choose random names or select characters from a favorite movie or book. Have family members take turns drawing one of the slips and answering yes and no questions about the name chosen. Very young children might need some help….

column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] This morning I dropped off Nick at his first day of the new school year. Although he is 19 and we’ve done a lot of first days, this one still has some new elements. First, he is starting a new class with a new teacher. His school, which is exclusively…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceDaily. Two new studies from MIT suggest that mindfulness — the practice of focusing one’s awareness on the present moment — can enhance academic performance and mental health in middle schoolers. The researchers found that more mindfulness correlates with better academic performance, fewer suspensions from…

Last week I sat on the couch next to my older son as we went through the Love Languages Personality Profile for Teens in Jolene Philo and Dr. Gary Chapman’s new book, Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities (referral link). Some of his answers…

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