*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on WIRED. Jace has never lived in a world without Facebook. His father already had an account by the time he was born. Even before Jace could understand the concept of Facebook, he felt its influence every time his dad had him stop what he was doing…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Too little sleep. Not enough exercise. Far too much “screen time.” That is the unhealthy lifestyle of nearly all U.S. high school students, new research finds. The study, of almost 60,000 teenagers nationwide, found that only 5 percent were meeting experts’ recommendations on three…

I remember when Charlie, my son who has autism, was much younger the hard road we traveled in finding those schools that would help him the best. At first, inclusion was the most important thing to me. Later, I changed to making sure he was being taught the grade level skills or life and social…

Trending Today on Twitter – 2/8/19 1. #FridayMotivation 2. #FridayThoughts 3. Ghostin 4. #WhenIGoShopping 5. #CantHideTheFactThat 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge 8. Matt Joyce 9. Ronan Farrow 10. Phil Jones Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 2/8/19 1. Rocky Lockridge 2. Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge 3. Wells Fargo 4. Jeff Bezos 5. Lakers vs…

There have been a few times when I’ve felt that God has been pulling me up by the bootstraps and telling me he has everything under control and worrying about things isn’t actually a productive or helpful use of my time or energy. That hasn’t always been an easy message to receive, but sometimes God…

School teachers and administrators are a gold-mine for information on youth culture trends. That’s why I threw this question at a high school principal friend a couple of weeks ago: “What are you most concerned about with kids these days?” “You want to know what we’re having to deal with more than anything else at……

This weekend I’ll be speaking to youth workers and parents out in Michigan. . . addressing cultural and spiritual issues among our kids including things like anxiety, narcissism, and social media. While thinking about the inter-relationships between the three (think symbiosis along with cause and effect in both directions) I realize that there’s a kind……

My husband and I are on Isla Mujeres, a lovely jewel of an island off the coast of Mexico. It’s a long-awaited vacation—a time to rest and rejuvenate. We vacationed here, just the two of us, at the very beginning of our walk with our youngest son’s autism. Little did we know, 31 years ago,…

Opposites While driving in the car, play the “Opposite” game. Say a word and the others will have to say the opposite of the word. (Whoever guesses it, can think of a new word.) After playing awhile, start the discussion on selfish and selfless. What does it mean to be selfish/selfless? (A selfish person is…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on EurekAlert!. Researchers have long known that the quality of an adult’s romantic life is closely tied to both physical and mental health in adolescence. A new longitudinal study sought to identify the factors in adolescence that best predicted who would and would not have a…

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