December 29, 2014 | Autumn Ward | I love Christmas decorations. They have a way of making everything more beautiful. Even the most humble of homes becomes a breathtaking site with just a few strands of twinkling lights. Our family has accumulated quite the collection over the past 19 years. Every yard ornament and strand of garland…

December 10, 2018 | Daniel Walters | 0 Comments A few times a year, once during the Holidays, and then again at the end of the school year, exams come into focus for families of students. For some, exams represent a last chance to pass their classes. For others, exams can often be exempted due…

December 23, 2011 | Kendra Fleming | 0 Comments One of my favorite Christmas traditions is to bake a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve and decorate it with the kids. I usually try to make a multi-layer round cake, and when the kids were young I would dye the layers red and green. The taller the better!…

We recently finished speaking for a Familylife Weekend to Remember and seemed to hear a common thread from others about what they heard from us as we spoke about our family and son with special needs. Several wrote us notes, private messages on FB, texts, and this one hand written note, “Your vulnerability and transparency…

I’ve been a reluctant caregiver most of my life, but didn’t realize it was a problem until after the birth of our first child. He was medically fragile for the first four years of his life, but his special needs weren’t the cause of my reluctance. In truth, I rose to the challenge whenever a…

I remember my first real cup of coffee. I’d been an occasional office-pot coffee drinker (lots of cream and sugar)—mostly because my office was freezing and the coffee was hot. Then, on a trip to California, a friend handed me a mug of freshly ground, French press, dark roast java with a touch of heavy…

November 29, 2018 | Dr. Jim Burns |  Traditions are important for families because they provide opportunities to keep your family legacy going. From the simple to the silly to the sentimental, traditions can create meaningful memories. Don’t hesitate to try out some new traditions this Christmas season and see what works and what doesn’t…

December 13, 2015 | Carey Nieuwhof | Instagram lies. Well, at least I’m sure it does at some point over Christmas.  When I see people posting pictures of how wonderful setting up the tree is and how magical the decorating was (okay, okay, I’ve done this…I’m guilty), it reminds me how often that process has not been…

He sat at his desk not moving. All his other friends were getting their backpacks ready and moving towards the classroom door. The teacher asked him to get up and go to his next class. He continued to sit there, but now had his head down on his desk. The teacher asked him again and…

November 19, 2018 | Cindy Fiala |  It was our first Christmas Eve, the dishes were piled in the kitchen after a traditional New Mexican meal of Posole and fresh-made tamales. The tree was glistening and Christmas music filled the house.  Fresh baked cookies and homemade candies overflowed tins to the delight every sweet tooth…

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