Posted by Reggie Joiner Most moms and dads are ready to fight the battle for their children’s safety and future as soon as they are born. Parents will buckle them into car seats that fit like plastic straitjackets, construct beds and play zones with prison bars, hook their arms to an expandable leash to walk through the…

Posted by Dan Scott When you look around, do you notice what you need to notice? Have you ever wondered why there are some people who can see things that other people just don’t see? It seems like some people just have this knack for looking around and noticing things others don’t. Maybe they notice there…

FOR PARENTS We know that as a parent it may be hard to understand the changing digital landscape and what your kids are doing online. That’s why we’ve created this resource. We’re here to fill you in on what Instagram is all about, give you some conversation starters for you and your teen, and show…

Posted by Sarah Anderson We lived for a few solid years in our family not having to really watch our words. We could have conversations about dessert, fun places to go, and toys. And our toddlers would be none the wiser. But this past year, we turned a corner. We’ve started spelling. Even then, Asher, my oldest, will…

Have you come to that point with your child’s diagnosis or challenges where you kind of forget that they are a big deal, that you still have the possibility of regression, or that the issues might be something you could be praying about? I was reminded of this fact a few weeks ago. Our church…

In July I participated in an interview through the Not Alone Parents site on taking vacations as a special needs family. During that interview I spoke to one vacation idea that most people, at least in my experience, cringe at when it’s brought up—camping. I cringed as well when my wife first brought it up…

The end of August means the beginning of school, a time of year I greeted with equal measures of excitement and dread as a teacher. So my original idea for this post was to shed some light on what teachers think and feel when a new school year rolls around. However, the Holy Spirit had something…

Time is a tricky thing. As kids, we have more than we know what to do with. But as adults—especially once we have kids of our own, it never feels like we have enough. So when it comes to utilizing the time we have with our kids, learning to handle it well is essential. In…

Posted by Holly Crawshaw It may be hard to believe, but summer is almost over! Maybe that fact makes you want to burst into tears—alarm clocks, homework, and bus stops. Or maybe it makes you want to throw a huge party—no kids saying, “I’m bored!” or begging to go to the pool. Probably for most of…

School will soon begin around the country. During my 25 years as a teacher, the parents who used some or all of these 9 tips helped their kids with special needs start the school year on a positive note. Tip #1: Stick to the School Supply List Purchase exactly what’s on the school supply list…

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