When my husband and I were in seminary, we had a little joke about being able to tell the missionaries from the rest of us. Missionaries were the ones who wore flip flops in January. They spent more time outside in the grass than in the library. If you went to their houses, you would…

Download this 30-day prayer calendar so you can be in prayer for your child over the next 30 days. 30DayPrayerCalendar_Fall18  

Humans have an innate need to control their environment. We control our environments in all different kinds of ways, sometimes even in ways we don’t think about in terms of “control.” Even if we’re not a self-proclaimed “control-freak,” we still exert control over things in our lives in order to keep things at a manageable…

For this child I prayed; and the Lord has granted my petition made to him. I Samuel 1:27 I remember the first time I laid eyes on my husband. It was at King College in Bristol, Tennessee. We were in the same math class my Sophomore year. He was joking with everyone. He was asking about me with…

Posted by Holly Crawshaw “If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn’t find fault,” (James 1:5, NIRV). James wrote this verse for a very specific group of people. His readers were facing a myriad of challenges – including persecution…

Looking for some ways you can partner with your child’s small group leader? Here are some tips on how you can do that. #WeAreInThisTogether TipsforPartnering_SGLs

Posted by Dan Scott Any of these sound familiar? Dad, can I ride my skateboard down the driveway and into the street?Mom, can we jump off the roof into the pool?Mom, can I slide down the banister?Dad, can I jump on that beehive right there? When you hear questions like that you want to scream, “NO!”That,…

When people tell me how good I am or how strong I am, it’s hard to take it as a compliment. I am a mother of a child with disabilities. I have no choice. Quite honestly, if I did, I would not choose this. So perhaps that makes me more of a coward than the brave…

The Lord was with Joseph. The phrase caught my attention as I read Genesis 39 during my morning devotions. That’s pretty bold, I thought. Joseph’s been sold to slave traders by his brothers, sold again to Potiphar, and the narrator of the story has the gall to say “the Lord was with Joseph.” How can that be? …

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