The pregnancy seemed normal except for the fact that I had morning sickness all day long. It was amazing for me to think that God was knitting my baby together in my womb as Psalm 139 indicates. Perfectly. Then we had “the test.” You know the one where they take blood and check to see…

Posted by Sarah Anderson Last week, my oldest child started kindergarten. I’ve never had my whole life flash before my eyes, but that morning, when we pulled up to the school for the first time, his whole life flashed before my eyes. His baby fuzz and wrist rolls suddenly gave way to little boy knobs and angles. Just…

Since we’re on the topic of eternity, let’s talk about the pile of paper work I have at all times on my desk! The only other visible picture I have of eternity besides my paper work is my laundry, but that is a topic for another day! Those of us who do the paperwork needed for…

Posted by Sarah Anderson (This is part 3 in our 4 part series, Making The Most Of Your Family’s Daily Rhythm. Click to read part 1, Morning Time, and part 2, Drive Time.) I hit the jackpot when I got married. My husband can cook—not only is he able, he’s good. On our first anniversary, he recreated the coconut French toast we…

Posted by Holly Crawshaw  Becoming a parent is one of those experiences in life where basically every cliché is true: It goes so fast. You’ll miss this. Just wait until they’re walking/talking/teenagers. They’ll grow out of it. It will get easier. At Parent Cue, we say something similar: It’s just a phase. So don’t miss it. It’s all…

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away….not really, but I feel like that’s how all of my “before kids” stories should start. Prior to being a mommy, I was a meeting planner. Once for a large medical convention, I booked a New York Times bestselling author to speak to the group. Michael…

I am leading a camp for teens and adults with disabilities this summer. It has been so much fun! Our weekly theme for the week is self-control. I thought no big deal, I got this. We start the week watching a short video and then talking about what it means. After that we make a…

Posted by Courtney DeFeo  Do you remember the first time your child was in harm’s way? I remember the time my oldest kicked a bright bouncy ball and landed on her head on the concrete. I remember when my youngest got her feelings hurt by a friend and cried real tears, not whiny tears. I’ve watched…

Every so often things on the home front would seem to fall apart a little. It got to a point that we could see a little pro-active check up might be needed from time to time. Living in a home where one person requires so much more time and attention than the others, it’s easy…

It’s that time of year again, Prom. We see the pictures of beautiful girls dressed up, escorted by their handsome dates. No doubt we also see the videos and pictures of beautiful girls asking a boy who has special needs to the prom. Posted on social media. We read the comments under the photos such…

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