Trending Today on Twitter – 11/16/18 1. William Goldman 2. #FridayFeeling 3. The Princess Bride 4. #FridayMotivation 5. Butch Cassidy 6. #NationalFastFoodDay 7. #ZombieIn5Words 8. #FlashbackFriday 9. All the President’s Men 10. Julian Assange Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/16/18 1. Ed Oliver 2. School Closings NY 3. Ariana Grande haircut 4. David…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram may be hazardous to your mental health. The first experimental study examining use of multiple platforms shows a causal link between time spent on these social media and increased depression and loneliness, according to University of Pennsylvania researchers. The link…

November 7, 2018 | Amy Fenton |  The Saga If you have any contact with a kid over age 8, I’m sure you have heard of Fortnite. If not, simply say that word around a kid and you will get a reaction. Especially boys. It is the latest and greatest in the App Store, Xbox,…

Trending Today on Twitter – 11/9/18 1. #FridayFeeling 2. Michelle Obama 3. #WoolseyFire 4. Topsail High School 5. #FridayMotivation 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. #FridayReads 8. Berlin Wall 9. Keystone XL 10. Kristallnacht Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/9/18 1. Woolsey fire 2. Broward County 3. Ruth Ginsburg 4. Ian David Long 5. Steelers 6….

If we are truly called as followers of Christ to do all things to the glory of God, then we’ve got to include sleep in that list. Yes. . . sleep is actually a form of worship. Who knew?!? And since worship of God through sleep requires holding to that sacred rhythm of work and rest…

MSM Small Group Teaching Series Nov 10-Nov 25 What We’re Learning: What’s the last thing you asked Siri or Google? We are all asking questions all the time. We may be ashamed to ask our questions about God, but really we shouldn’t be. A natural part of owning and growing in our faith is wrestling…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. More than half of children in the United States are not getting the recommended amount of 420 minutes per week of physical activity, according to new findings recently presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2018 National Conference and Exhibition in Orlando, Fla. And…

Trending Today on Twitter – 11/2/18 1. #FridayMotivation 2. #FlashbackFriday 3. #JobsReport 4. #FridayFeeling 5. #LoveYourLawyerDay 6. House of Cards 7. Brooklyn Synagogue 8. Swizz 9. Joe Arpaio 10. 21 Savage Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/2/18 1. Post Malone Crocs 2. Dia de Muertos 3. JR Smith 4. Edmund Zagorski 5. Day…

October 29, 2018 | Matt McKee | The next time you go to plug in one of your electronics or one of your kids’ electronics, look at the plug. Have you ever wondered why an electrical plug has 3 prongs? And what are those 3 prongs are for? Is it important to have all 3?…

Trending Today on Twitter – 10/26/18 1. Cory Booker 2. James Clapper 3. #FridayFeeling 4. #NationalPumpkinDay 5. #FridayMotivation 6. #TitleOfMyHorrorMovie 7. Magna Carta 8. #Friyay 9. Robyn 10. Matthew Shepard Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/26/18 1. Sinead Oconnor 2. Megyn Kelly 3. Texans 4. Powerball winner Last Night 5. Red Dead Redemption…

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