My son started walking about three months ago. It took less than three days to realize we had entered a whole new world. A world where he could now access the dog at will and climb up the kitchen island when something shiny caught his attention. Like knives. This kid hasn’t even hit 20 pounds…

Before we had children, a friend once told us that, “Kids simultaneously ruin your life and make it awesome.” Now, as the parents of a one-year-old and a three-year-old, we ruefully refer to this comment on a regular basis. It’s the truth of our story right now. We love our kids. We love our life….

Southeast Raleigh Handout- 2018

Posted by Parent Cue | Your cute innocent little children have deceived you. They are not who they appear to be! If you haven’t already caught them in a lie, chances are you will. And more than once—as toddlers, as young children, and as teenagers. At first you might want to try to suppress laughter…

Going through the explore God series? Extend the lessons at home with your children.

  One of the things I wrestled with when my kids were growing up was how to make the true story of Easter the most important part of Easter while participating in all the fun around us. I loved watching my kids dig through their baskets and run through the grass looking for hidden eggs….

My husband and I both work full time in ministry. We are the proud parents of two teenagers. Often, as a family, we are pulled in different directions. Sports, jobs, theatre practice, music lessons, church events, and so on. We get caught up in all we have to do; all of the people that need…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A Canadian study suggests that watching too much television can contribute to poor eating habits in adolescence and suboptimal school performance. While the concept is not new, the study suggests that screen time must be controlled by the early age of two, confirming new…

  We do not lack information on “how-to parent.” People often joke that our children don’t come with manuals, but the truth is, we have so much information at our fingertips that we can easily become overwhelmed by all of the (often contradicting) expert opinions out there.   I, however, am a sucker for almost…

Joseph leads Mary through the backwoods in a red wagon, an angel sweeps in on a tire swing, and wise men celebrate with sparklers. Gather your family around and watch the Christmas story from Luke 1 and 2 told from a kid’s perspective. [vimeo 111114609 w=500 h=281] The Christmas Story Video from Orange on Vimeo. Source: The Parent Cue

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