Toddlers get a bad rap. Sure they whine and throw tantrums. But can you blame them? There’s a lot going on in those pint-sized bodies. By age two, your little one will grow to half their adult height—something they’ll spend the next two decades reaching. And their shape will morph from one designed for…

  We moved into a new house about six months ago, which means we’ve been unpacking boxes for oh … about six months. The unmarked boxes are my favorite because it’s like Christmas wondering what will be inside when we open them. Now that we’re finally feeling more settled on the inside of the house,…

The other day, my son and I were at a community center that had, as part of the building, a small room called the “Children’s Chapel.” Inside the room were a few instruments (mostly drums), a number of boxes that had Bible stories inside of them, and several benches with chairs. When we went in…

  I loved reading the book The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell. I shared some general thoughts in a post last week. Now it’s time to get a little more practical. I have three kids in different phases, and here are a few practical ways this book hit home for me…

Posted by Melissa Thorson My son peed on my friend’s pants. It wasn’t an “Ooops!-My-lil’-sweet-pea’s-diaper-leaked-some tee-tee!” kinda-pee. My almost-three-year-old pulled down his pants, set up his aim with precision, and fire-hosed the folded jeans. Every parent has laughable potty-training stories. But this incident wasn’t just a learning-bladder-control mishap; it was a desperate act of attention-seeking…

Posted by Reggie Joiner | So how kind have your kids been lately? That is one of your goals as a parent right? Along with a good education, health, financial autonomy, faith in God, you hope your kids will be nice, at least some of the time. That’s because most of us believe life in…

  Dr. Gary Chapman, speaker and best-selling author of The Five Love Languages, reveals the secret to loving children effectively. He talks through the 5 unique ways kids receive love and helps parents discover and speak in the love language their child will understand. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes |…

Posted by Carey Nieuwhof There’s an insecurity inside most of us that asks, “But, does he/she really love me?” It happens when you’re dating. Sometimes it still haunts you when you’re married. It follows you into your deep friendships. And it definitely makes its way into the heart of almost every child. I have NO…

  Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”   It’s well known that Einstein was never one for the classroom. While he excelled in many of his studies, school left him frustrated. He eventually dropped out of school when he was fifteen. His personal value of school aside,…

  “What is going on? Why is he having a meltdown when we tell him it’s bedtime? He’s nine!” My husband and I slumped into seats across from each other at the kitchen table. The sticky, crumb-laden tabletop scattered with homework papers and other backpack entrails didn’t help the situation. Tired of dreading bedtime and…

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