Splink 1: Give to God 1st Give each child a set amount of money (how much would depend on their ages) to manage each week. (Yes, we do some things because we live in the house, but giving children some money of their own will help them learn how to handle it.) To help teach…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 8/11/17 1. #GoogleDoodle 2. Locked and Loaded 3. #friyay 4. #YourDatingAnEgomaniacIf 5. #AngelVideo 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. Happy Birthday Hip Hop 8. Zeke 9. Pretty Ricky 10. No Man’s Sky Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 8/11/17 1. Annabelle 2. Nikki Reed 3. PGA Championship 4. PGA Leaderboard…

If you’ve been following our blog for any amount of time, you may have noticed a few repeating themes. (And if you haven’t noticed, we’re not going to give you a quiz or anything. Take a deep breath . . . and keep reading!) Each month, we highlight one of five parenting principles that Parent…

  Tucker was a few weeks old, and it was my first night back to my part-time job as a writing teacher. I’m pretty sure I was teetering under the weight of everything I carried into my parents’ house: the car seat, the diaper bag, bottles, milk, binkies, blankets, burp cloths, a page of typed…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Older teens are more likely to do risky things while driving and have a higher rate of crashes and near misses than their younger classmates, a new survey finds. Researchers surveyed 2,800 high school students across the United States. While 3 out of 4…

  As a church youth pastor, one of my favorite moments of the year is watching parents of new sixth graders bring their kids to youth group for the first time. Often, they look terrified. And I don’t mean the kids. Sure, the sixth graders are nervous too. But no parent wants to leave their…

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/336868554″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]   More Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus Episodes   More Articles, Videos, & Podcasts   Join The Pigs Season 2, Episode 30: Outrageously Committed to Marriage Welcome to episode 50 of Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus! We can’t believe it but we’re celebrating a YEAR of the podcast…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on TechCrunch.   According to British anti-bullying organization Ditch The Label’s new annual survey, Instagram is the network of choice for cyberbullies in 2017, with Facebook close behind. This year’s survey collected results from 10,020 people between the ages of 12 and 20, making for…

Life can be challenging and unpredictable. And, if you’re parenting a two-year-old, you’re guaranteed this year will have plenty of both. That sweet baby who used to cuddle in your arms has not only learned how to walk but now he can run away from you—and fast. That little angel whose smile used to light…

Splink 1: Who Gets 1st Place? Run some different races to see who wins first place. (Optional idea is to buy 1st place ribbons, which can be found at a dollar store in the party section.) Some ideas: Who can toss the most pennies (or marshmallows) into a bowl in a minute? Who can throw…

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