As a podcast co-host for the show, Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus, I often get questions about how to connect more with Jesus. Lots of them deal with prayer requests and going through hard stuff, but then there’s this question: Becky, the Bible is sooo boring and hard to understand—any tips for reading it?…

  Church attendance. Yup, we’re gonna go there. First the good news, because we need the good news. Jesus is Lord. Nothing can change that. And the church is the body of Christ, and nothing can change that. So that alone should stir an undying hope within our souls that cannot be diminished by statistics…

Kara Powell, PhD, co-author of the Right Click: Parenting Your Teenager In A Digital Media World and executive director of Fuller Youth Institute, Kristen Ivy, and Reggie Joiner discuss how giving kids increasing opportunities to serve through childhood is one of the biggest ways to help them grow in faith and character by realizing their own…

  Teach your kids how to make a bird shadow puppet. (Remember trying that as a kid!) Make a two-handed bird by turning your hands so your palms face you, cross your hands over each other, and lock your thumbs together. Stretch your palms open to make the bird’s wings. To make the bird “fly,”…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 10/28/16 1. #GoodGirlsRevolt 2. #NationalChocolateDay 3. #ScaryStoriesIn5Words 4. #FunThingsToDoAloneOnHalloween 5. #DraftOurDaughters 6. #FantasySportsForRealLife 7. Good Friday 8. Jeezy 9. Fox News ‘Imploding’ 10. US GDP Source: Twitter Trending Searches Today on Google – 10/28/16 1. Raven Symone 2. Avenged Sevenfold 3. Vine 4. Apple 5. Tennessee Titans 6. Inferno…

  Note: each month we’re giving parents of seniors a spiritually encouraging “checklist” to capture the best moments from senior year. Sign up to automatically get a full year’s worth of memory-making ideas, plus these articles as monthly emails HERE.   November: Finding gratitude in the midst of crunch time   You may not quite…

Earlier this week we ran a “Youth Culture Today” radio spot on the marketing of cool. Little did we know that the night before 60 Minutes was going to run an eye-opening segment on how young social media starts attain fame and fortune, all while influencing vulnerable young kids to do the same. It’s brilliant marketing. But……

  How To Teach Our Children to Be Brave   My two children are very different in many ways, and one of their differences is their sense of reality versus fantasy. Tuck has a pretty black-and-white approach to life, and he can tell what is real and what is not. Movies and books are easy…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Laboratory Equipment. Drinking highly caffeinated alcoholic beverages triggers changes in the adolescent brain similar to taking cocaine, and the consequences last into adulthood as an altered ability to deal with rewarding substances, according to a Purdue University study. Richard van Rijn, an assistant professor of medicinal…

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! The leaves change, the boots and scarves come out of the box, pumpkin aroma fills the house, and it means all of the fun holidays are right around the corner. Here are a few date ideas to take advantage of this season while also making…

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