November 2019 MSM Small Group Teaching Series
What We’re Learning: Don’t Be A Jerk
Our new series is on social media and called “Don’t Be A Jerk.” Social media is something that can seem so foreign to parents. Even the parents who use social media may be using part of its potential. Students live in the digital world. They get to create alter-egos and new identities and can be connected to these versions of themselves every second of the day. It’s a central part of their everyday lives. It can be an exciting and validating experience, but it can also be a place where students face cyber bullying, false versions of reality, and a lack of self-respect with what they share. Our goal over the next few weeks is to teach a healthy and godly way to interact with one another in a digital setting and to find their source of identity from God rather than the ‘likes’ and ‘follows.’
Starting A Conversation:
1) What are some positive things about social media? What are some negative things?
2) Set and discuss clear boundaries with your students on using their phones and social media. Explain why these rules exist. Help give tips and advice so when you allow your students to use these things, they know how to do so wisely.
Want more information on how to parent wisely in a social media driven culture?
(1) We will be holding at Parent Seminar on Social Media during our MSM All-In Squad Night at Apex Campus November 12
(2) Digital Kids Initiative has a ton of great articles and resources: