Splinks for the week of November 24-30, 2019
No Words Allowed
Play a game of Charades where you act out ways to serve or help someone else.
- Medical help
- Serving food
- Repairing something
- Bagging or ringing up groceries
- Washing a car
- Loading or unloading a dishwasher
- Teaching
Have fun with the game and talk about the actions that were most helpful to figure out what was being done.
Remind family members that often our actions speak louder than our words to others who watch us live our lives. If we talk about kindness but do not exhibit kindness, our talk won’t matter as much.
The Bible encourages us to model our faith to others. A genuine faith in the Lord will be evident as people see the way we honor God with our daily choices in word and deed.
Don’t Just Stand There!
Read Luke 10:25-37 and discuss the familiar story of the Good Samaritan with your family.
The parable of the Good Samaritan embodies the act of showing God’s love. Jesus uses this example to remind us that we are to not only love our neighbors, but also our enemies. This requires both help and wisdom from God.
As believers we should attract others through our loving words and behavior. We must follow the example of the Samaritan. Although he was the least likely to show compassion, he saw someone in need, and he loved freely generously, and without expectation. If we do not show God’s love to others, no matter what we say we will not communicate the message of God’s love.
Encourage family members to pray for opportunities to shine with God’s love to someone who needs it this week. Use your Family Faith Journal to keep track of these opportunities and prayer requests surrounding them.
Do You Mean It?
The phrase “put your money where your mouth is” refers to the truth that it is much easier to talk about doing good or sacrificing for someone else than it is to actually do it. Modeling our faith requires us to do more than talk a good talk.
As a family, choose a category of spending (money or time) that can be reallocated in order to serve others. For example, consider saving money you would spend on treats this month and give it toward a need you identify. Or choose a block of time each week for a month and use it to serve someone else—maybe even secretly.
Kids need to be taught how to suppress our natural selfish tendencies. Modeling the faith for them will require modeling how to put others first and follow Jesus’ example.
The post Splink | Modeling the Faith appeared first on D6 Family.
Source: Splink