Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to experience KidCity right where you are! Our weekend teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.
We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in it together.” Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/ If you have a question about anything or just want to reach out directly, e-mail us at [email protected].
For parents
How to Use This Page:
- Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
- Use the Parent section for some additional activities to do with your child.
- You can find all of the activity pages below.
For kids – Online Experience Video
Trouble loading the video? CLICK HERE
For parents
Bible Story: God has a plan for me.
God’s plan has good things for me to do – Genesis 41
Memory Verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the LORD.” Jeremiah 29:11, NLT
Key Question: Who has a plan for you?
Bottom Line: God has a plan for me.
ASK: Who has a plan for you? (God has a plan for you!)
DO THIS ACTIVITY: Scatter Cheerios (or other small items) across a clean, flat surface and place a bowl within reach of your kid. Give your kid a spoon and have them scoop the items into a bowl like they are gathering grain.
“We’ve been learning a lot about Joseph. Today, we learned that while Joseph was in jail, Pharaoh had a really weird dream. It was about seven cows and stalks of grain! Pharaoh didn’t understand what the dream meant, but Joseph did! Joseph told Pharaoh that the dreams were from God. They meant that Pharaoh needed to save lots and lots of grain, because his people were going to be hungry and need it later! Pharaoh was SO happy to know what his dreams meant, that he gave Joseph a very special job. He put Joseph in CHARGE of all of Egypt. Years later, the dreams came true. People were hungry and didn’t have food, so they traveled from all over to get grain from Joseph. Wow! God’s plan was for Joseph to help all these people! God has a plan for us, too, and God’s plan is the best plan. Who has a plan for you? [Bottom Line] God has a plan for me.”
REVIEW: For I know (point to head) the plans I have for you,’ (march) says (hands to mouth like yelling) the Lord, (Point up) Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT).” (Open your hands like a book.)
For kids
Activity Page for preschoolers during sermon