Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are!
Parents- This week we encourage you to:
- Watch the video (linked below) with your child.
- Use the discussion questions immediately following the video to unpack the lesson with your child!
- Use the Activity/GodTime pages (linked below) to generate more activities and discussion opportunities.
CLICK HERE for this week’s video teaching
GodTime: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child.
Modified Curriculum
Life App: Integrity—Choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do
Bible Story: Rise Up (Daniel’s Integrity) • Daniel 1
Monthly Verse: Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught. Proverbs 10:9 (NIrV)
Key Passage: “A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:17 (NIrV)
- What if you were guaranteed you wouldn’t get caught if you lied—why would it still be important to choose to be truthful? For example: You drop your mom’s phone and the screen shatters. She asks you if you know who did it.
- What are the consequences of lying?
- What could happen if you tell the truth? (This is an opportunity to discuss we can’t choose the consequences of showing integrity, but independent of the consequences, God asks us to choose to be truthful whatever we say and do, to have integrity.)
- Who is somebody you know who has integrity?
- How would you (or a friend of yours) describe that person?
- Why is it important to be a person of integrity?
We encourage you to take time to together pray as a family.