What We’re Learning: Wrestling with God’s Word

Series Tagline: T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro.
Series Main Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Series Overview: What should do we do when we read Bible verses we don’t like? T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. How do pro athletes get better at their sport? Practice! Every week we are going to practice together by studying a different Scripture we may not like and learn how we should respond. We will T.R.A.I.N* ourselves to remember when wrestling with God’s Word, we can trust God’s wisdom and character.
*TRUST God’s Wisdom
REMEMBER God’s Character
ASK yourself, “What is challenging to me about this verse?”
INVESTIGATE the Scripture

How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?
MSM goes live 6:45pm on our HopeMSM YouTube Account.
This will be followed by Zoom Small Groups, click here to get pre-registered for a Small Group. If your student is unable to attend a small group then grab a Bible, watch the video together while it’s live or after, and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like

Special Needs Families:
Click here for this week’s modified guide

October 25 – Forgive, Even When It’s Hard

  • Main Point: Don’t hold back on forgiving others because  Jesus didn’t hold back in forgiving you.
  • Main Scriptures: Matthew 18:21-35

Create meaningful conversation with your student(s). Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them.

  1. GET THEM TALKING: What are some reasons people hold back on forgiving others?
  2. Look over this T.R.A.I.N. like a pro card. Read each point together, and as you do stop and discuss:
    1. In your own words, what does this point mean?
    2. What questions do you have about this point?
  3. READ Matthew 18:21-35 and answer the following questions:
  4. What do you like about this Scripture?
  5. What don’t you like in this Scripture?
  6. How does Jesus treat us when we wrong Him?
  7. How does Jesus ask us to treat others when they wrong  us?
  8. What can keep us from forgiving someone else?
  9. How can we overcome those things?

Encourage students to take some silent moments in prayer and  reflection on these three questions:
(1) God, is there someone I need to forgive?
God, is there someone I need to apologize to and ask for  forgiveness from?
(3) God, I’m sorry I’ve sinned and I ask for your forgiveness.

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Say a prayer to God on your own this week, thanking Him for His forgiveness and asking Him to help  you forgive others.

THIS SERIES CHALLENGE: Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16-17.  We encourage you to do it together as a group! 

Ask your student(s) to share their prayer requests and close your time together in prayer.