What We’re Learning: Summer at the Movies

Each week we will look at different movie clips and how they show us little glimpses of what God is like.

How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?

MSM goes live Sundays at 11:15am on our HopeMSM YouTube Account. Grab a Bible, watch the video together while it’s live or after, and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like.

Wk 4: Who is the Holy Spirit? Part 2

Main Verses: Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2 1-47 (summarized; emphasis on vv. 43-47)

Main Points:

  1. Now we get to show the world what God is like.
  2. The Holy Spirit changes life as we know it.

Movie Clip: “He lives in you” – The Lion King

Discussion Questions:

  • ICEBREAKER: What’s your favorite safari animal and why?
  • READ Matthew 28:19-20; In your own words, what does it mean that God’s Holy Spirit lives inside those who believe in Jesus?
  • How can we reflect Jesus to others?
  • NEXT STEP: Take 5 minutes now or sometime this week to read all of Acts 2, the part of the Bible where the Holy Spirit first came to believers after Jesus went to heaven. BONUS: Read it with your parents and take a few minutes to talk about it together.