When life doesn’t go as planned, I usually react in one of two ways: either with equanimity and grace—because I’m with people I want to impress—or with grumbling and complaints—because I’m with my family, and they love me no matter what. Neither response follows Paul’s call in Philippians 2:14-15 to do all things without complaining…

Attitude Check Paul’s reminder to the Colossians to work with all their heart for the Lord is a reminder for us too (Colossians 3:23). However, working for the approval of man is a much more popular view in today’s culture. Emphasize to your family that working with a right attitude is the goal the Lord…

This series is named for a Latin term, post tenebras lux, which translates to “after darkness, light.” It is an evergreen hope, that light that comes after darkness. It is seen in nature: the moon reflects the hidden sun. We may say the sun’s reflection in the moon is the hope we feel in the darkness;…

The phone buzzed with an incoming email. I was sitting in our minivan out in my parents’ garage hiding and crying – a full on ugly cry with gasping sobs. We were coming to the end of our visit to the Midwest where both of our families lived. It was only a couple of days…

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when your child’s condition is constantly changing, and it seems that each day brings more medical terminology to google. The things we search for online as caregivers are quite interesting at times. Sometimes all the searching just leaves us with even more questions than answers. We put so much weight in…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceDaily. Adolescents with higher levels of physical activity performed better in school during transition from primary school to lower secondary school than their physically inactive peers, a new study from Finland shows. However, the researchers, from the University of Jyväskylä, found that increased physical activity…

  A New Baby! Bring out the baby pictures and birth certificates and talk about the day each child was born into your family. (Kids never seem to tire of hearing about themselves.) Look at the pictures together and talk about how happy you were. If your kids were adopted, talk about the happy day…

Waiting. I’ve been struggling with waiting lately, so today I looked up the definition: To allow time to go by, especially while staying in one place without doing very much, until someone comes, until something that you are expecting happens or until you can do something (The Cambridge English Dictionary). Waiting is something we’re very…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Teens who spend more time with social media are more likely to suffer from social withdrawal, anxiety or depression, a new study says. Twelve- to 15-year-olds who spent more than six hours a day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media were nearly…

This summer has been quite memorable in my family for several reasons. If you follow my articles, you know that we committed to buy an Airstream camping trailer and have gone on a lot of short but memorable trips as we get more comfortable with towing. Our son Christopher has still been in the recovery…

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