Splink 1: Eggs-Citing Keep the celebration going! No one knows for sure why we associate eggs with Easter (since we don’t know exactly when people starting hiding eggs, we don’t know why they did it), but some say that the egg is a symbol of a new life. Just as new life emerges…

    Splink 1: The Rest of the Story Talk about the rest of the story. Rip out pages from an old magazine and then rip (or cut) each one in half vertically. Keep the right half of each page hidden, but give each person the left side of the page. Ask each one to…

    Splink 1: Copycat Play copycat to talk about following an example. Pick one person to be the model and all the others will be the copycats. The model will perform simple actions (lift an arm, raise a leg, pat stomach, touch toes, etc.) and the copycats must see how quickly and precisely they…

The other day, my son and I were at a community center that had, as part of the building, a small room called the “Children’s Chapel.” Inside the room were a few instruments (mostly drums), a number of boxes that had Bible stories inside of them, and several benches with chairs. When we went in…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on NBC News. You just can’t get glue to stick around right now. Bottles of the gooey white stuff are flying off the shelves as a kids’ crafting craze is leading to temporary shortages. They’re making “slime.” It’s a gluey substance, also known as “gak” or…

    Splink 1: Walk a Mile… Run a shoe relay to introduce the idea of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. Ask everyone to put their shoes in a pile on one side of the room. Then line everyone up on the other side of the room. Get a timer ready (cell phone…

    Splink 1: Act Like You Love One Another  Get the creative juices going and make puppets out of whatever materials you have on hand (sock singles; popsicle sticks; markers; scraps of fabric; yarn; etc.) After each person makes a puppet, act out some scenarios (with the puppets) of when and how to show…

  The shock, shame, and anger that first takes place when you stumble upon the fact that your child has viewed porn is understandably terrifying. Every parent hopes their child will live with sexual integrity, and when we hear the statistics of kids and porn it can be disheartening. Yes, the average age of a…

    Splink 1: The Whole Picture Draw a simple picture, but only draw part of the picture. (Leave out the important parts.) Invite the others to guess what it is. If they can’t guess, finish the drawing. It was hard to guess the picture when you only saw part of it. Sometimes we judge…

My daughter wasn’t crying because she lost the spelling bee. She was crying because she got knocked out in the second round. She’s smart. That’s her thing. So missing the word tofu embarrassed her. To make it worse, she knew every word after that. The tears started just as I was tucking her into bed….

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