Trending Today on Twitter – 5/12/17 1. #FlashbackFriday 2. #fridayreads 3. #SaveTheDramaFor 4. #askcon 5. #MomIn5Words 6. Who Will Save the Republic 7. Kirkersville 8. Fiat Chrysler 9. Madden NFL 18 10. Attorney General Sessions Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 5/12/17 1. Bing Bang Theory 2. Snatched 3. Malibu Miley Cyrus…

No matter where you are on the parenting spectrum, looking ahead to graduation can invoke anxiety and concern. Brad Griffin, Assistant Director of the Fuller Youth Institute, helps ease the tension with some thoughts on how to step into graduation with a plan over the next few weeks (or even the next few years.) He…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 5/5/17 1. #Breaking2 2. #CincodeMayo 3. Jay Cutler 4. #JobsReport 5. #IamAPreExistingCondition 6. #leadercast17 7. #HarryStylesLiveonTour 8. Somalia 9. Yeager Airport 10. Mexican Independence Day Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 5/5/17 1. Logic 2. Obamacare 3. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 4. Lonzo Ball Shoes 5….

The Student Ministry of Hope Community Church desires to partner with you and your student as you both navigate the often difficult phases of middle school and high school. With that goal in mind, we want to provide you and your family with the following resource to go along with the Netflix series Thirteen Reasons Why. …

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on USA Today.   The common stereotype has teens glued to their phones 24-7. But nearly 60 percent of teens in the U.S. have actually taken a break from social media, the bulk of them even voluntarily, a new survey found.   The poll from…

For May our teaching series is called “Crazy Love,” inspired by Francis Chan’s book. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? It’s crazy when you think about it, but God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. This month we will dive beyond religious complacency…

Trending Today on Twitter – 4/28/17 1. #CODWWII 2. #fryefestival 3. #MakeTodayBetterIn4Words 4. #NationalSuperheroDay 5. #ImTheOne 6. #SillyArguments 7. U.S Economy Grew 8. Time Inc. 9. Q1 GDP 10. Atlantic Blvd Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 4/28/17 1. Jennifer Lopez 2. Frye Festival 3. Draft Picks 2017 4. Buffalo Bills 5. The Beguiled…

Because marketing is so pervasive and powerful in today’s culture, youthworkers need to be aware of the many advertising strategies marketers employ in an effort to influence children and teens’ spending decisions. Of course, the main goal of marketing is to sell product. But marketing is actually even more effective at shaping the worldviews, beliefs,…

  Social media is the place where all the world’s a stage and you—a grown adult—find yourself playing understudy to the next generation. Hey, we get it. As soon as you get a grasp on Facebook or Instagram they announce another big change. And new social media platforms are popping up all the time.  …

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on The Drum.   It may come as no surprise that Snapchat and Instagram have a solid lead over Facebook when it comes to the frequency that high school and college students use the social media channels, with young Snapchat users checking in at a…

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