By Walt Mueller For me, my conscious first memories of engaging in the simplest of ways with the topic of love began in Kindergarten. Every year when I was in elementary school, I would spend the evening of February 13 punching out two-dozen Valentine’s Day cards from perforated sheets, signing them with my name, and stuffing…

We all have times when we feel we’re not heard, loved, noticed, cared for, appreciated, and the list goes on, yet in the world of caring for one with special needs, caregivers are often going, caring, and serving with little rest or reserve for one another. That is dangerous. It’s dangerous in all marriages when…

There was a father-son conversation that several times left me scratching my adolescent head. I kept coming back to my dad’s words over the course of my teenage years for the simple reason that they were so contrary to my own teenage reality. I was so baffled by it all that I think I brought…

We have the awesome privilege of getting away together as a couple to speak around the country on the topic of marriage. We love what we get to do, but even so, as we are surrounded by 500-1500 people, we are not alone! We love that we have various ministries in which we are involved,…

Less than a year after we were married, my husband shoved my sister against the side of a car and told her he never wanted to see her again. And so began the worst period of my life. In retrospect, I realize the tension between Mike and Beth had been growing for some time. They…

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/336868554″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] More Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus Episodes More Articles, Videos, & Podcasts Join The Pigs Season 2, Episode 30: Outrageously Committed to Marriage Welcome to episode 50 of Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus! We can’t believe it but we’re celebrating a YEAR of the podcast…

There’s this great movie called Failure to Launch about a guy named Tripp who’s in his thirties and still living with his parents. The story line follows Tripp as he meets a woman, falls in love (of course), and then finds out that his parents hired this woman to date him in hopes she could…

I’m a marriage counselor, and it’s rare to meet couples that agree on one of the most common questions I get asked by married people: How often should we be having sex? I don’t know if it’s God’s cosmic joke, but I’ve often wondered why the less-is-more people don’t pair up with other less-is-morites, and…

You may have already weighed in on the age-old parenting debate: should you let your kids see you fight? Clearly, the question springs out of the pain too many kids grew up witnessing. For sure, there are some things kids should never witness. And while God can use anything for good (and he does),…

In December, I started a series on “non-marriage verses” that have most impacted my life and marriage. In Part one I shared from 1 Timothy 1:15 and about Working on the Biggest Problem in my Marriage: Me. In this non-marriage verse, Paul shared that he is the chief sinner. If in marriage we focus on ourselves…