“On the Lot” is where the words of the TV or movie script come to life. In each of our lives, we want God’s word to come to life. The Bible is more than just words to store in our brain; it can guide and transform our lives in amazing ways. MSM Leader guide:  You can access…

Our kids have big questions.  Here you’ll find some helpful tips for walking them through the stuff that’s the hardest to explain. Preschool Elementary Middle School High School

Trending Today on Twitter – 3/13/20 1. Friday the 13th 2. #coronapocalypse 3. #FridayThoughts 4. Jay Electronica 5. #SweetNightOST 6. #FridayFeeling 7. #LUVVsTheWorld2 8. Boomer Remover 9. Falwell 10. Blaming Obama Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 3/13/20 1. Friday the 13th 2. Jay Electronica 3. MLB The Show 20 4. Federal Reserve 5….

MSM Small Group Teaching Series March 21-April 5, 2020 What We’re Learning: Gospel of Matthew After HUNDREDS of years of silence, God speaks through the writing of the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus decides to come down and show us what it means to truly live a life that not only prioritizes God, but shows us…

Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? The self-consciousness. The physical self-awareness. Trying to fit in. Doing whatever it took to gain peer acceptance. Attempting to act cool but looking like a fool. (I remember spilling soda on myself at McDonald’s in front of three girls, and I genuinely wanted to…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Phys.org. Parental divorce is associated with a lower grade point average (GPA) among adolescents, with a stronger association seen in teens with more educated mothers, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Sondre Aasan Nilsen of the Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE)…

Trending Today on Twitter – 3/6/20 1. #FridayThoughts 2. #FridayMotivation 3. Jhené 4. #EmployeeAppreciationDay 5. #FridayVibes 6. Brian Williams 7. #RIPNATEWOODS 8. Captain Hook 9. Jadakiss 10. Zhuri Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 3/6/20 1. Coronavirus in Maryland 2. Employee Appreciation Day 3. Nathaniel Woods 4. Warriors 5. Grey’s Anatomy 6. Onward 7….

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on EurekAlert!. What children choose to read outside school directly influences their academic performance, according to a major new study led by the University of Malaga and UCL, and published in the peer-reviewed journal Oxford Review of Education. Using longitudinal census data to look at more…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. A new Michigan State University study found that a good night’s sleep does adolescents good—beyond helping them stay awake in class. Adequate sleep can help teens navigate challenging social situations. The study, which focused on ninth-grade students, found that adequate sleep allowed students to…

Transitions are like riding a Rollercoaster! Most people have had an OPPORTUNITY to ride a rollercoaster, however the EXPERIENCE is VERY different. When you stare up at the towering structure with loops, dips, and drops and then you see the car zoom by with great speed – you see people with their hands up, others…

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