Trending Today on Twitter – 11/11/16 1. #VeteransDay 2. #TrumpRiot 3. #OneLetterOffBands 4. #ThankAVet 5. #TheyMightBeACatfishIf 6. East Point 7. Now They’re 8. United States Armed Forces 9. Rules for Survival 10. Football Friday Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/11/16 1. Happy Veterans Day 2. Veterans Day Quotes 3. Leonard Cohen 4. Blac…

Yesterday was a strange day. This is the fifth election in which I was old enough to vote, and I cannot remember one with this level of intensity. Maybe I’ve forgotten. There were definitely intense feelings surrounding W. Bush and Obama, but nothing that felt like it carried the same level of emotion. When I…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on NPR. According to new research, students who regularly go to bed late tend to be both sleepier during the day and have more trouble with self-regulation, regardless of how much sleep they reported getting. Researchers wanted to know more about the associations between the…

  On the day after the election, how are we supposed to talk to our kids about the outcome of the election? Listen in on this impromptu, thought-provoking discussion with Carlos Whittaker, Kristen Ivy, and Reggie Joiner in a special feature of our Parent Cue Live podcast. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Listen…

For the first three weekends this November, middle school student small groups will be in our “Me*” teaching series. In spite of our best efforts, we can’t stop pain and loss from entering our kids’ lives. What happens when your kids’ crush asks someone else to the dance or they make a D in math?…

Have you ever planted a fruit tree? I’ve always wanted to but never have gotten around to it. I have done a little research, though. Do you know if you plant a two-year-old apple tree, it could take another five years to bear fruit? Pear trees can take another six years and cherry trees up…

Recently, Common Sense Media released its list of the 10 most violent video games of 2016. With the holiday gift-buying season now underway, parents will do well to research game content when it comes to buying Christmas presents for their kids. *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Common Sense Media. Below, are listed 10 of…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 11/04/16 1. #Battlefield 2. #SpiritCooking 3. #WhyIThinkImStillSingle 4. #cubsparade 5. #NationalCandyDay 6. #JobsReport 7. Who Broke Politics 8. Walter Cronkite 9. Clinton 47 10. 94,609,000 Not in Labor Force Source: Twitter Trending Today on Facebook – 11/04/16 1. Godzilla 2. Gloria Alred 3. Dwayne Johnson 4. Doctor Strange 5….

I grew up hating church. I didn’t have any theological problems with church, I was just bored. Sitting still for more than ten minutes was torture, and sometimes our services went on for two hours! The worst part is that my dad was the pastor, so we were there every time the door was open….

Right now, people seem inscrutable, rhetoric is flammable, the world looks combustible. But these kids of mine, they put everything in perspective. My darling kids, the ones with developing body odor and dirty rooms and expertise in sibling attack strategies a la Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. They are a respite from everything upside down, and is…

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