I hadn’t known about it or seen it until yesterday. It was a text that asked if I knew about last Friday’s release of Fergie’s new single, “M.I.L.F. $.” And so, I watched. According to the counter on YouTube, the video’s had 20 million views as of this morning. The envelope keeps moving. And wherever the envelope…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new study finds that parents who are too involved with their college-age kids could indirectly lead to issues such as depression and anxiety. “Helicopter parents are parents who are overly involved,” said Florida State University doctoral candidate Kayla Reed. “They mean everything with good intentions, but it…

Just kidding about that last part, but they could change a lot of things about how you talk about faith. If your house is anything like mine, the bath time and bedtime routine can often turn into a soul-sucking vortex of blood, sweat, and tears. All evening long, I feel like I’m herding cats. But…

Have you ever felt like your kids aren’t listening to what you say? Do you sometimes struggle with finding time to talk with your kids about something more than what time they need to be wherever they need to be and how they need to clean their room before they go? I have. And this…

Father’s Day always reminds me of my first day as a father. It was a crisp fall; the leaves were turning a heavenly gold as the squirrels gathered the last nuts before winter. Finally, the anticipation was over, and this would be the day I would become a dad. After a brief time in labor,…

Welcome to the Parent Hub! We’re so glad you stopped by to visit us. We are committed to equipping parents to take next steps at home with their kids. Specifically, we are here to provide coaching and resources to support parents as they invest in their child’s faith journey. The hub is a collection of articles…