Posted by Jon Acuff | Restaurants are one of the greatest places to teach your kids honesty. Amusement parks are good, too. A movie theater will work in a pinch as well. How? What do those three things have in common? Age restrictions. Restaurant menus, amusement parks, and movie theaters are all places that will…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Reuters.   Injuries to a critical ligament in the knee are becoming more common in children and teens, researchers warn.   Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) “are a significant public health issue” that put youngsters at risk for developing future health problems,…

My husband and I both work full time in ministry. We are the proud parents of two teenagers. Often, as a family, we are pulled in different directions. Sports, jobs, theatre practice, music lessons, church events, and so on. We get caught up in all we have to do; all of the people that need…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on CNBC.   Piggy banks might be on the endangered species list, yet your kids still need to learn about money. They’re handling a lot of it.   Kids ages 4 to 14 received an average $454 in allowance over the course of 2017, in…

  I remember the moment I became a mother.   It was early Sunday morning. Still dark outside. My brain was groggy. Exhausted. A million things were running through my head but the loudest was “SLEEP.” I had to wait just a little longer until I could wrap myself back up in my warm bed….

Posted by Jon Acuff | Blog, Widen The Circle | 6 | I like to think I am a brave parent, right up until the moment I actually have to be brave. I talk a good game, know most of the buzz words and occasionally act like I have a few things figured out. All…

  I’ve never been a big fan of January 1st. Too much pressure to set a goal or make a resolution, and then an impossibly long 12 months to keep it. But the start of the school year? I love it. Maybe it’s the smell and look and feel of new school supplies, maybe it’s…

Posted by Sherry Surratt | My son and daughter-in-law just had their third child. At the moment, their home is like a three-ring circus of juggling, stunts, and acrobatics. Even now as I watch my daughter-in-law wrestle with diapers, wipes and poop, my son is juggling after-school pickup and entertaining a lively and spirited preschooler….

  Enter a room full of six- and seven-year-olds and you’re bound to spot one thing right away: the cute little gaps of kids who whistle while they talk. Forget calling it first grade. This is the Missing Teeth Club.   And the similarities don’t stop there. Here are five things all first graders have…

  My husband and I just got back from taking our girls to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a long weekend. There were bike-riding adventures, hot dogs on the beach, and early bedtimes (thank you, swimming, for exhausting my children like no other activity) – a great time was had by all.   However.  …

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