This is the time of year when joy should abound, yet many of us still find ourselves searching for it. Homes are filled with families rushing through the season filling their schedules and shopping carts to overflowing. But, as you already know, these things just don’t produce the joy for which our souls were…

Want a great way to help your kids focus less on themselves see the needs of others this season? Carlos Whittaker shares a great tip to help instill the value of serving, empathy, generosity, and compassion in your kids. [youtube] Source: The Parent Cue

When our oldest daughter was a preschooler, her favorite book was the “bird story.” Countless times she would say, “Read me bird story” as she plopped it (and herself) in my lap. The actual title of the book was Little Bird Biddle Bird, by David Kirk. We both had it memorized by the time she…

My family is Korean-American, children of immigrants. We’re what the media would call “devout, evangelical Christians.” We have a son who is disabled, non-verbal with autism and ADHD. Especially living in the middle of hyper-excellent Silicon Valley, we’re well-acquainted with feeling like “an outsider.” This is my America, some of our friends, neighbors, and classmates of my…

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to connect with your kids while they’re out from school! Here are four simple ways to do so. #1 Involve your kids in the planning and prepping for your Thanksgiving meal.  Let them help with decorations Ask if they would like to help with setting the table Brainstorm the menu together…

For most of us, the concept of honor is inextricably linked with flags and Fourth of July, military salutes and Veteran’s Day. After all, the men and women who put their lives on the line for the sake of our freedom are definitely deserving of recognition for the brave work they do. But at its…

Have you ever planted a fruit tree? I’ve always wanted to but never have gotten around to it. I have done a little research, though. Do you know if you plant a two-year-old apple tree, it could take another five years to bear fruit? Pear trees can take another six years and cherry trees up…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. We’re on the cusp of all things holiday and fun. The festivals. The fairs. The pumpkin patches. And the promise for more parties and holiday spectaculars just around the corner. It’s the kick off to a magical—if not insane—season, made all the more magical—and insane—with kids. Not…

  We want our kids to understand how best to treat their neighbor, follow God, and trust Him no matter what. We could explain the facts of why they should, have them memorize the verses, or lecture them on what will happen if they don’t.   Or we could tell them a story.   More…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Boys who are raised in a warm family environment are more likely to feel secure in romantic relationships in their 80s, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. The findings show that boys who grow up in loving homes tend to…

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