When our oldest daughter was a preschooler, her favorite book was the “bird story.” Countless times she would say, “Read me bird story” as she plopped it (and herself) in my lap. The actual title of the book was Little Bird Biddle Bird, by David Kirk. We both had it memorized by the time she…

My family is Korean-American, children of immigrants. We’re what the media would call “devout, evangelical Christians.” We have a son who is disabled, non-verbal with autism and ADHD. Especially living in the middle of hyper-excellent Silicon Valley, we’re well-acquainted with feeling like “an outsider.” This is my America, some of our friends, neighbors, and classmates of my…

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to connect with your kids while they’re out from school! Here are four simple ways to do so. #1 Involve your kids in the planning and prepping for your Thanksgiving meal.  Let them help with decorations Ask if they would like to help with setting the table Brainstorm the menu together…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on WebMD. Teens who regularly “vape” e-cigarettes are more likely to become frequent and heavy cigarette smokers, new research finds. A survey of students at 10 Los Angeles County public schools found that teens who vape frequently are more than twice as likely to start smoking “on about a…

For most of us, the concept of honor is inextricably linked with flags and Fourth of July, military salutes and Veteran’s Day. After all, the men and women who put their lives on the line for the sake of our freedom are definitely deserving of recognition for the brave work they do. But at its…

  Splink 1: Good Gone Bad Find and offer some moldy bread or food (surely there is some in the pantry or fridge—the moldier the better) to your kids. For those who clean out their fridge or pantry too often, below are some steps to grow some mold. Collect dust on a cotton swab. You…

Trending Today on Twitter – 11/11/16 1. #VeteransDay 2. #TrumpRiot 3. #OneLetterOffBands 4. #ThankAVet 5. #TheyMightBeACatfishIf 6. East Point 7. Now They’re 8. United States Armed Forces 9. Rules for Survival 10. Football Friday Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/11/16 1. Happy Veterans Day 2. Veterans Day Quotes 3. Leonard Cohen 4. Blac…

Here’s a sobering fact: More than half of American workers (55%) left vacation time unused in 2015. This adds up to 658 million unused vacation days. That’s a lot. Furthermore, U.S. workers forfeited 222 million of those 658 million unused vacation days. These days cannot be rolled over, paid out, or banked for any other…

Yesterday was a strange day. This is the fifth election in which I was old enough to vote, and I cannot remember one with this level of intensity. Maybe I’ve forgotten. There were definitely intense feelings surrounding W. Bush and Obama, but nothing that felt like it carried the same level of emotion. When I…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on NPR. According to new research, students who regularly go to bed late tend to be both sleepier during the day and have more trouble with self-regulation, regardless of how much sleep they reported getting. Researchers wanted to know more about the associations between the…

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