Today’s culture is bringing an unhealthy sexualization to our kids at a younger and younger age. We were 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15 at one point, but we were never their age. They experience so much so young. With the onset of early sexualization in our culture, parents must become more proactive and…

Splink 1: What Do You Love? After dinner, set the timer for three minutes and send the kids back to their rooms to return with the thing they love the most. (If it can’t be easily carried, they can write what it is on a piece of paper and bring it back.) Ask: Why do…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 8/25/17 1. #TheTick 2. Gary Cohn 3. #IfComedyDidntExist 4. Hurricane Harvey 5. #FlashbackFriday 6. Look What You Made Me Do 7. #friyay 8. #RIPAaliyah 9. #SendASongToCollege 10. Black Mirror Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 8/25/17 1. Rich Piana 2. Whole Foods 3. Ingrid Goes West 4….

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral.   Emerging research suggests the quality of your high school friendships, rather than the number of friendships, influence mental health through young adulthood.   Adolescence is a time of social challenges and changing expectations. For many youth, being with the “in crowd” and…

  You’re never prepared for it – for that moment on your weekly (tri-weekly) trip to Target when the water toys and outdoor furniture sets are corralled into the clearance section and replaced by mountains of marbleized composition notebooks and rows of calculators that cost more than my smart phone.   Like Christmas, birthdays, and…

  Third grade is a year of beautiful discovery and soul-shaping challenges. It’s a season of adventure for both you and your child. Most third graders still have a child’s innocent enthusiasm for life that allows them to embrace new experiences. It’s not without reason the catch phrase for this phase is “Sounds like fun!”…

  Latasha Morrison, the founder of Be The Bridge, says reconciliation in a racially divided country begins with conversations at home. In today’s episode, she’ll share how you can start equipping your children to start the work of racial unity. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=20608b&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes | Google Play |…

August 22, 2017By Walt Mueller Yesterday’s solar event clearly points to the amazing realities of Creation, Providence, and the order that God has placed in our world. The eclipse and all the emerging science also points to the reality of the imago dei. . . the fact that humanity is the crowning point of His…

  In our last post, we talked about how girls learn differently than boys. As we noted boys and girls are very different! Whereas girls are primarily wired to learn through being social and relationships, boys are hardwired for activity and movement.   Physical Development   As we continue to examine the role of neurochemistry, we know that from…

  “My favorite times of the day are lunch and P.E.”   “The hardest parts of my day are P.E. and lunch.”   If you had to guess, which gender would you say made each of these statements? Over the last fifteen years, as counselors, we have sat with thousands of kids, literally, between the…

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