I’ve been told there are 936 weeks in the life of a child from birth to 18. We have a visual for those weeks here at  Parent Cue in the form of a jar filled with 936 marbles. The idea is that when you count the weeks you have left with a kid, you stand a…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new study suggests that parents should be mindful of how much time their children are spending in extracurricular activities, such as music lessons and sports clubs. The findings, published in the journal Sport, Education and Society, unveil the pressing social demand for kids…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new Finnish study finds that elementary school children whose mothers help with homework by encouraging more academic independence tend to need less help later on. In other words, the more opportunities for autonomous work the mother offered the child, the more task-persistent the…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 5/11/18 1. #FridayFeeling 2. #StatisticallySpeaking 3. #FlashbackFriday 4. #MilitarySpouseAppreciationDay 5. John Kelly 6. #EatWhatYouWantDay 7. Scott Hutchinson 8. Richard Overton 9. The Expanse 10. Quentin Nelson Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 5/11/18 1. Nashville Predators 2. Life of the Party 3. Brooklyn 99 4. Kimberly Guilfoyle…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay.   When it comes to having “the talk,” many teens admit they’re not communicating with their parents or their doctors about sex, new research reveals.   “Teens and young adults account for more STIs [sexually transmitted infections] than all other ages combined,” said…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral.   New research suggests nurturing parents pass along strategies that help their children build and maintain positive relationships in adulthood. Investigators discovered a supportive, compassionate family environment helps adolescents engage in healthier, less violent romantic relationships as young adults.   Moreover, learning to…

  Actions Show Who You Are Write some actions on slips of paper and act them out (without using words). Some ideas to get you started: Pretend that you are: Walking through a giant tub of Cool Whip Riding your favorite ride at an amusement park Washing the dog Eating an ice cream cone Laughing…

  Everybody loves a story with a great plot line. We applaud the hero, sitting mesmerized at the edge of our seat while good battles evil, or while right struggles with wrong, hoping for good to win. We cheer when good prevails and even get emotional when the victim gets rescued.   Everybody loves a great…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral.   New research links curiosity in young children with later academic success.   The new study from researchers at the University of Michigan found that curious children are better able to grasp basic math and reading.   Researchers also found that for children…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 5/4/18 1. #MayThe4thBeWithYou 2. #StarWarsDay 3. #MayTheFourth 4. #FridayFeeling 5. #MayTheForceBeWithYou 6. Junot Diaz 7. DJ Khaled 8. Jedi 9. Happy Cinco de Cuatro 10. 3.9% in April Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 5/4/18 1. Nashville Predators 2. Cavs 3. Hawaii Volcano 4. Sixers 5. May…

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