He’d been packed and ready to go for weeks—just like the chipmunks stockpiling nuts in my flower containers for the winter. Joey was ready to join Aunt Susie at Lakeside for a fun weekend of shuffleboard, relaxation, and fun! In perfect timing, his bedroom was needed for a houseguest. As my daughters and I finished making the bed and putting out fresh towels, everything felt done—until—we burst out laughing! We looked around to realize the guest we’d be welcoming might have been 8 years old! Kathleen noticed it first and threw the 20 miniature POWER RANGERS from the dresser top into the top drawer, Kristina put Raggedy Ann in the closet, I grabbed the flashlight (AKA microphone) of Joey’s and as we exited his room we noticed the little pink pig Joey “keeps” tucked between the iron posts of his bed. WOW! It all seemed ready for our adult guest until we took another glance! It brings a smile to my face and heart—so many things seem normal for us that really aren’t to so many others … especially knowing our Joey is nearly 36 years old.