“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7 (NIV)
A bonus of being the pastor of a church with a preschool is the daily opportunity to see children exploring their world and making new discoveries. A few years ago as I was leaving a Bible study I watched a group of three-year-olds hunting for Easter Eggs in the church garden. I found it equal parts amusing and frustrating as they wandered back and forth, repeatedly passing by the very thing they were looking for. It was a target rich environment with eggs strewn all around. I was cheering them on from inside the building though they could not hear me, “Look down. A little to the left. Why can’t they see what I see?” All in due time they got there.
I feel as a parent at times I’ve been like those little ones. I’ve been looking for something that was right under my nose, but I didn’t see it. I think I was so busy being concerned about catching up “delays” that I failed to see that all was well at the pace that God decided. We got there in due time. Mind you, not to the destination I saw in my mind’s eye, but to the destination God saw for our family.