- Have often have you prayed for a miracle in the life of your child with special needs?
- Have you ever anguished with God for the next step of accomplishment for your child waiting for them to become the typical child?
- Have you begged teachers and aides to put your child in a “particular” class because you just knew it would be the key to success in opening up the potential of your child?
Yep, me, too.
Conversing with a friend one day about how parents of children with special needs sometimes act in the process of helping their child, I realized there is a fine balance between working toward the possible and potential next steps our child will take and an actual miracle in their life. Those of us in this place all want a miracle. The miracle that makes our child see, talk, hear, walk. The miracle that makes them understand, behave, learn, sleep through the night, shower themselves, know adding, subtracting, multiplication and division, and express themselves so we can even understand what is going on! The miracle that finds them a job in the real world, has them riding public transportation or driving all by themselves, has them married with a family, and has them well streamed into society.