You and your family have made it to the end of another school year. Regardless of your school situation, it feels like an achievement for all of you, doesn’t it? Think of all those early morning wake-ups, those last minute projects, the forms, and the guilt-induced volunteering you’ve accomplished over the last few seasons.
It’s a big deal! And it’s definitely something worth celebrating. We’ve already talked about celebrating the last day of school in a big way – like meeting your kids at the bus and engaging in a water war. But what if you could be even more intentional about creating a moment to build each other up after you’ve worked so hard all year long.
Before you dive into summer, get a date on the calendar to gather your family together to talk about all the awesome things that happened this school year, and celebrate your family wins TOGETHER!
We’ve got some great suggestions for you on how to celebrate: what to do before, things to say during, and how to commemorate it after. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like, but it will most certainly become a tradition your family will want to do year after year and something they will remember for always.
Source: The Parent Cue