I remember the moment perfectly. I was a counselor and was at a Burger King with a client when I heard the news about the planes hitting the twin towers in New York. The rest of that day, my role was to help my clients process their own fears as the news unfolded; coming alongside the student who had hidden under his desk and was scared to come out and checking in with the rest of my families to see how they were doing.
There was a unification in our country as we mourned with the families impacted, and we wanted justice. There was a time when it was no longer taboo to talk about God and how He comes alongside us.
The pain has faded for many. Except for posters on 9/11 saying “We Will Remember,” life has returned to normal for those who were not directly impacted.
For those of us with a child impacted by disability, there is another date that is cemented in our minds. We each have our own twin towers moment, that moment when our world came crashing down.
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Source: Special Needs Parenting- Key Ministry