What We’re Learning: Jesus Said What?!
Jesus said a lot of things that would sound a little crazy to us today; Jesus said a lot of things that sounded crazy to the people of His day. But everything said was meaningful. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things that might make us say, “JESUS SAID WHAT?!” and what they mean in our lives today.
How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?
Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR play our online game and watch live with us Sunday at 10:35am on our MSM Facebook Page. We also have the original small group material here if you’d prefer that format.
Special Needs Families:
Click here for this week’s modified lesson guide
Jesus Said What?! Week 3: Worth the Cost (May 10, 2020)
- Main Point: Being Jesus’ disciple is going to cost you everything, but it’s worth it.
- Main Scripture: Luke 14:25-33 & Matthew 10:38-39
- What is one thing you feel you absolutely cannot live without?
- What is something that cost you a lot but was worth it? (Maybe you saved up for a year for concert tickets, or did extra chores to earn something?)
- Read Luke 14:25-33. Jesus uses two analogies at the end. What is a modern-day example of a middle school student rushing into something without thinking?
- In your own words, what is the overall point Jesus making here?
- What are different things that following Jesus can cost us?
- How can these things hold us back from fully committing to Jesus?
- Read Matthew 10:38-39 What do you think Jesus means when He says, “Take up your cross?”
- What are some examples of someone doing that?
- Re-read verse 39. What are some things we “cling to” in our lives?
- How can we lay down those things at Jesus’ feet?
- What does Jesus mean when He says we need to lose our lives to find them?
Write down something that takes your time or energy on one side of an index card. On the other side, write down how you can replace that thing with something that helps you grow in your relationship with Jesus. This week, try to do that at home every day. Hand the card to your parent to pray for you and encourage you in your goals this week.
Ask your student(s) to share their prayer requests and close your time together in prayer.