It can be easy to forget who God really is sometimes. And it can be even easier for your students to forget who they really are, too! But every year at Easter, we get the chance to point them back to what God did thousands of years ago to remind us not only who He really is, but who we really are because of Him. Loved, important, forgiven—Jesus’ death and resurrection shows us we’re all that and more to Him. In this series, we’ll remind students what they can know to be true about themselves because of the gift we celebrate at Easter—Jesus’ resurrection and after life!
We are inviting Student Ministry families to invite others to sit with them this Easter. We are called to invite others to come to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. Who are you inviting to sit with you and your family? Your invite shows others they matter.
Week 1: March 27 + 30
- MAIN POINT: Because of the resurrection, John knew God is love.
- MAIN SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:9-10 & 16a
- CROSS CONNECTION: We don’t earn God’s love and salvation, it’s a free gift offered to us by Jesus’ death on the cross.
- HSM Afterlife – SGL GUIDE Wk 1
HSM Monthly Study Guide – March
HSM Monthly Study Guide – April
Studying God’s Word on our own is an important step in owning our faith. Find ways to encourage students in your group who you think are ready for this step in to complete the HSM monthly inductive Study Guide.