Dear special needs parent,
Some people will never get what it is like to walk in our shoes. No matter how many times we try to explain our situation, our child, the challenges our family has to face—no matter how many details we share—the reality is that most people won’t get it. And some people might think we are exaggerating, or that we are not doing enough, and we might feel judged by their words or forgotten by their actions. So I want to say something very important to you, to me, to all of us that have been misunderstood: I know the pain and the hurt because I have felt it too, but, it’s time to forgive and let go.
Before I became a spacial needs parent, I did not understand it either. I didn’t get it. To me, disability was something to be afraid of. I did not willingly chose for disability to enter into my life. But it did.
I wonder how many things I didn’t get before this was my journey.
I wonder if for most of us it might be hard to understand something until we finally live it.