I woke up the other day completely exhausted emotionally and physically. I had one of those days where my body, mind, and soul were just so weary and tired.
Have you ever had one of those days?
Have you ever felt hopeless?
Have you ever felt like just giving it all up?
I go back and forth feeling encouraged my son is progressing then I see a setback and feel discouraged again. Satan wants us to be discouraged, to give up, and to cave in. I won’t allow that to happen.
Being a mom, in general, can be exhausting at times. We are the queens of multi-tasking for sure. When we add that one or more of our children has unique needs that can put an additional stress on what is needed from us.
I used to feel overwhelmed more early on when my son was just diagnosed with autism. What I mean by that is feeling pressure to know all the answers, to help him talk, to help him eat more, to calm his tears (well really screams), and to understand fully what autism really means.