Trending Today on Twitter – 3/10/17 1. #ResistanceRadio 2. Nicki 3. #JobsReport 4. #YouAreAwesomeBecause 5. #buffyslays20 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. #NoFrauds 8. Papo Brenes 9. Curtis Reeves 10. Jimmy Garoppolo Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 3/10/17 1. No Frauds 2. Jimmy Garappalo 3. Samantha Bee 4. Logan Ryan 5. Browns 6. Brock Osweiler…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new U.K. study finds that cyberbullying typically does not create new victims — it is merely a continuation of face-to-face bullying. Professor Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick said although cyberbullying is prevalent and harmful, it is a modern tool…

I am what they call a true middle child. I am the second of three kids with an older sister and a younger brother. If you aren’t a middle child, let me give you some insight into what it’s like. When my family dropped off my sister to begin her freshman year of…

The other day, my son and I were at a community center that had, as part of the building, a small room called the “Children’s Chapel.” Inside the room were a few instruments (mostly drums), a number of boxes that had Bible stories inside of them, and several benches with chairs. When we went in…

As soon as a child is born, we start measuring, don’t we? The number of fingers and toes. Height and weight. Number of wet diapers. Weeks and months. And my personal favorite, number of hours slept in a row. As they get older, that kind of counting doesn’t stop, it just changes—usually into…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on NBC News. You just can’t get glue to stick around right now. Bottles of the gooey white stuff are flying off the shelves as a kids’ crafting craze is leading to temporary shortages. They’re making “slime.” It’s a gluey substance, also known as “gak” or…

I thought I raised my children well. They seemed like good kids. But then, a few months ago, my oldest son did the unthinkable. The most thoughtless, unimaginable thing he’s ever done. He moved out. I probably should have been expecting it. After all, he’s 21. But I’d done a pretty good…

Splink 1: Walk a Mile… Run a shoe relay to introduce the idea of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. Ask everyone to put their shoes in a pile on one side of the room. Then line everyone up on the other side of the room. Get a timer ready (cell phone…

Trending Today on Twitter – 3/3/17 1. #BelkoCares 2. Juan Thompson 3. #employeeappreciationday 4. #FridayMotivation 5. #SSAC17 6. #PenceEmails 7. #coveringtrump 8. Democrat Party Ties to Russia 9. Wendy 10. The Intercept Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 3/3/17 1. Brandon Marshall 2. Remy Ma Another One 3. Juan Thompson 4. Logan…

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Superman. Seriously! I still remember the day my parents handed me a box from Sears and Roebuck that contained a red cape, blue tights with a red-and-yellow “S” shield on the chest. When I put it on, something magical happened. It transformed me from a shy…