Linked Together One of the biggest things that historically led people away from God was their attachment to others things (idols) and bad influences (often wicked leaders). Pair family members side-by-side and have them lock arms. Then give unique commands to each person (go to the kitchen and bring a spoon, go to the…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on ScienceDaily. Adolescent girls who reach puberty at an earlier age may also have a greater chance of developing migraine headaches, according to new research from investigators at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine. “We know that the percentage of girls and boys who…

Get Dressed! As your kids begin the day, pantomime putting on the armor of God and saying the following or similar statements for each piece. I will strap on the belt of truth – I will tell the truth in every situation. I will do what is right (breastplate) even though it is hard….

You Go First! Read Ephesians 5:21. This verse says we are to submit to each other. What does the word submit mean? To submit means to yield to someone else. When we submit, we show respect for and do what is being asked of us. Why does this verse tell us we should submit…

United but Different Give your kids choices at dinner to teach about unity. Give a couple of choices for each “course” (appetizer, main course, vegetables, drink, and dessert) and invite each family member to pick what they would like. (Expect lots of different opinions!) If you don’t want to do this for a meal, choose…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Montreal Gazette. A study of Quebec children has found a link between consistent participation in organized sports in childhood and better emotional health once the child reaches the age of 12. Organized sports are activities that are supervised by a coach, whether it be a…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Around age 9, many children stop engaging in physical activity just for the fun of it, according to a new Swiss study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, followed 1,200 Geneva students ages…

Grace for a Purpose Items Needed: assortment of objects (kitchen utensils, bathroom utensils such as toothbrush or washcloth, household items such as broom or dustpan, etc.) Lay all the items on a table and invite the kids to sort them into categories. Ask them to explain why they chose certain categories. One way to sort…

Summer Thanksgiving! Read Ephesians 1:3-23. (You may choose to read fewer verses if your children are very young.) As Christians, we get to experience the benefits of being a child of God including forgiveness and the hope for eternal life. Our Heavenly Father longs for a deep and intimate relationship with His children. That is…

The Only Way Items Needed: A ticket or invitation to a special family event for each person in the family. Each person must have a unique ticket with his or her name on it. Pass out the tickets and describe the event. (Family outing, special dessert night, vacation, etc.) The only way to get this…