What We’re Learning: Christmas Lights* *PARENTS, please notes that weeks below do not have dates; different campuses have different holiday schedules, so check with your HSM campus pastor + weekly emails to see when/how your campus may use these lessons. Week A: MAIN POINT: God is with us. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Matthew 1:18-23 NIV HSM Christmas…

What We’re Learning: Christmas Lights* *PARENTS, please notes that weeks below do not have dates; different campuses have different holiday schedules, so check with your HSM campus pastor + weekly emails to see when/how your campus may use these lessons. Week A: MAIN POINT: God is with us. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Matthew 1:18-23 NIV HSM Christmas…

What We’re Learning: FAMILY MATTERS *Different campuses have different holiday schedules, so check with your HSM campus pastor or HSM campus FB group to see your holiday schedule. Week C*: MAIN POINT: When your family changes, your mindset matters. MAIN SCRIPTURES: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 & Isaiah 43:2 JESUS CONNECTION: When our families face change and brokenness…

What We’re Learning: FAMILY MATTERS Week B: NOVEMBER 14 + 17 MAIN POINT: Your family matters even though it’s fractured. MAIN SCRIPTURES: Hebrews 11:20 & Genesis 25-27 JESUS CONNECTION: We all have done wrong, but Jesus offers us all forgiveness. HSM FAM MATTERS – SGL GUIDE Wk B Monthly Inductive Bible Study Guide (What is…

What We’re Learning: FAMILY MATTERS Week A: November 7 + 10, 2021 MAIN POINT: When it comes to your faith and your family, love matters most. MAIN SCRIPTURES: John 13:35 & 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 JESUS CONNECTION: Jesus loves us so much He died to save us. HSM FAM MATTERS – SGL GUIDE – Wk A…

What We’re Learning: Vibes SERIES TOPIC: EMOTIONAL + MENTAL HEALTH Week 5: October 31 & November 3 MAIN POINT: You chose what to do with how you feel. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Lamentations 3:19-23 SGL GUIDE – Wk 5 Vibes Monthly Inductive Bible Study Guide (What is this? It’s for students ready to take the next step…

What We’re Learning: Vibes SERIES TOPIC: EMOTIONAL + MENTAL HEALTH Week 4: October 24 & 27 MAIN POINT: Because of Jesus, guilt doesn’t have to be the boss of you. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 4:3 & Romans 8:1-4 GOSPEL RESPONSE WEEK SGL GUIDE – Wk 4 Vibes Monthly Inductive Bible Study Guide (What is this? It’s for…
Pairing with our “House of Cards” teaching series, here are a few resources to set up meaningful conversations with your kids/students: Conversations that Matter: You’ve got some big things to talk about, and most of this isn’t easy. Here’s the thing: If your kids aren’t talking about this stuff, it’s not because they aren’t thinking…

What We’re Learning: Flipped Series Overview: Often, we live by a script: what our days should be like and how they should go. We wake up, brush our teeth, put on clean clothes and head to school. At school we have to behave a certain way to not get in trouble with our teachers or…

What We’re Learning: Flipped Series Overview: Often, we live by a script: what our days should be like and how they should go. We wake up, brush our teeth, put on clean clothes and head to school. At school we have to behave a certain way to not get in trouble with our teachers or…