Trending Today on Twitter – 5/22/20 1. #AGUSTD2 2. #fridaymorning 3. #FridayFeeling 4. #MemorialDayWeekend 5. #FridayMotivation 6. Karachi 7. Charlamagne 8. Puppy Chow 9. Alejandro Ripley 10. Jinkook Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 5/22/20 1. Open Skies Treaty 2. Klobuchar 3. Mbira 4. Lori Loughlin 5. Lana Del Rey 6. Nick Cordero 7. Debby Ryan…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on StudyFinds. The years between 12 and 20 are a period of self-discovery and self-doubt for the average teen. It’s hard not to compare oneself to others in high school, especially in today’s day and age of Instagram and selfies. Now, a new study conducted at…

What We’re Learning: We Are Young Some adults look down on middle school students. Let’s be honest, many middle school students look down on themselves. Timothy was a young Christian that Paul believed in so much he wrote him letters to encourage him, which became books in the Bible! We believe in middle school students…

Trending Today on Twitter – 5/15/20 1. #TrumpHasNoPlan 2. #FridayThoughts 3. #fridaymorning 4. TAEGI 5. #FridayMotivation 6. #FridayFeeling 7. Will Smith 8. 16.4% in April 9. Bob Watson 10. AVITAR IS ON NETFLIX Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 5/15/20 1. Nevada Earthquake 2. Scoob! 3. How to Get Away with a Murder series finale 4….

What We’re Learning: Jesus Said What?! Jesus said a lot of things that would sound a little crazy to us today; Jesus said a lot of things that sounded crazy to the people of His day. But everything said was meaningful. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things that might make us…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. Physical activity might be one of the first things to drop off the radar as adolescent girls move from primary to secondary school, a new study says. The South Australian study of the year 7 to Year 8-9 school transitions previously selected from…

Trending Today on Twitter – 5/8/20 1. #TrumpDepression 2. #fridaymorning 3. #FridayThoughts 4. #IrunwithMaud 5. #FridayFeeling 6. YOU ARE THE SWAMP 7. 14.7% in April 8. Jesus is the Christ 9. V-E Day 10. Melinda Gates Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 5/8/20 1. Flynn 2. Solar Opposites 3. VE Day 4. Packers’ 2020 Schedule 5….

What We’re Learning: Jesus Said What?! Jesus said a lot of things that would sound a little crazy to us today; Jesus said a lot of things that sounded crazy to the people of His day. But everything said was meaningful. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things that might make us…

MAY 5, 2020 By Walt Mueller Note: the following post is reprinted from our May 2020 edition of our CPYU Parent Page. . . which is available now as a FREE download during the pandemic. Youth workers. . . this is for you so that you can pass this on to parents! You can download the May 2020…

What We’re Learning: Jesus Said What?! Jesus said a lot of things that would sound a little crazy to us today; Jesus said a lot of things that sounded crazy to the people of His day. But everything said was meaningful. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things that might make us…

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